Frome Selwood Rotary

Frome Selwood Rotary is one of the three Rotary clubs in Frome helping the community locally, nationally and internationally.

Frome Selwood Rotary likes to support environmental projects as well as the young and the elderly.

Some of the projects we have recently supported are:

a] Life Education Wessex visits to Frome schools,

b] Novasport,

c] KidsOut day to Longleat for disadvantaged children,

d] Frome & District Friendship club,

e] a wheelchair accessible vehicle,

f] the cheese section at Frome Show and

g] internationally the refurbishment of a school in Nepal.

In Frome, the three clubs collaborate on projects with the most recent being the Charity shop in Westway Precinct. The majority of funds raised are used to support other local charities and organisations.

Rotary is an international organisation with 1.4 million members worldwide whose major project recently has been the eradication of Poliomyelitis from the world.

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm, often with an interesting speaker and meal.

Contact Name
Guy Parkinson / Geoff Cardnell
24 May 2024
Last Updated
24 May 2024