Ukrainian families in Frome will join people across the UK to celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day on Thursday 24th August. The day is the main state holiday in modern Ukraine, celebrated in commemoration of the Declaration of Independence of 1991.
Frome will be honouring the day by raising the Ukrainian flag outside the Memorial Theatre. While at the Town Hall there will be an exhibition curated by Iryna Ladyzhenska, Frome Town Council’s Welcome Hub Social Facilitator. The exhibition includes stunning examples of embroidery and artwork alongside a hand-crafted flag members of the Ukrainian community created earlier in the year.
Iryna said: “Following a referendum, the Act of Declaration of Independence was made in Ukraine on 24th August 1991. Now Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and values such as human rights, democracy and rule of law. It is an existential war. I agree with the words written by Vasyl Symonenko, one of the best Ukrainian poets: “My nation is! My nation always will be! No one will efface my nation!” And we are grateful to Great Britain for supporting us in our fight for freedom. The exhibition shows a snapshot of Ukrainian culture which I wanted to share with the people of Frome.”
The Frome Welcome Hub supports all displaced people who are currently residing in Frome. Funded by Christian Help and Action for Refugees in Somerset (CHARIS) the hub provides wrap around resettlement services in Somerset.
Cllr Sara Butler added: “I’m excited to see the exhibition come to the Town Hall, and it’s a timely reminder to recognise all the important work the Frome Welcome Hub carries out. It’s open to anyone who is displaced, no matter of their country of origin, all are welcome, and the dedicated staff are on hand to support all displaced people in Frome and the surrounding area.”
The Welcome Hub is open weekly on a Tuesday between 10am-3pm at Frome Town Hall. You can read more here.