Having tricky conversations can be hard, but ignoring or avoiding them can lead to painful and/or destructive conflict for all concerned. Luckily, Frome’s Let’s Talk community group have created a handy leaflet which you can pick up across the town. The group’s members have had some simple training in restorative conversations and have learned some skills which have made a big difference. The leaflet explains some of those skills so that you can use them too.
Sheila of the Let’s Talk group said: “We hope the leaflet and its guidance might help you change a difficult conversation into a useful one, or help you work through something uncomfortable with a family member or neighbour.
“The tools will allow you to feel empowered and to communicate openly, meaning you will be able to understand others better and feel happier and better understood yourself. You can pick a copy of the leaflet up from many of the shops, cafes and venues across town. Or call into the Town Hall when you’re passing.”
If you’d like to find out more, the group are also hosting an event during the Kindness Festival on Wednesday 8th March from 10am – 12:30pm at the Town Hall. The session aims to be engaging and interactive and will provide some concrete tools and relevant real-life examples. Places are limited so register your place here.