I have lived in Frome for 12 years and and really appreciate what the town and its people have to offer. My sole purpose in standing for the town council is to try and return something to the community.
I am particularly keen to make a contribution on;
How the town is developed over the next few years….we need more and better designed social housing if we are to retain a diverse community.
Keeping the town and especially the town centre clean, safe and well maintained.
Recognising that real poverty and deprivation exists in Frome and trying to coordinate a coherent local approach amongst many services and organisations.
Ensuring that Local Government Reorganisation favours Frome, with more local decisions and greater control and influence at a local level.
Acknowledging that we can’t keep avoiding significant environment, sustainable and resilience issues, they need to be baked into everything we do.
Making the town council more efficient and effective.