Following the success of the previous Solar Streets scheme back in 2019, Frome Town Council hosted a packed information evening for Frome residents as the scheme is back and this time hopes to be even more successful. Solar Streets offers Frome residents a discount on solar panels through a bulk- buying initiative in partnership with local installer IDDEA. So far, 70 households in Frome have had solar panels installed through the scheme, saving 42 tons of carbon dioxide a year in line with Frome’s mission to become a carbon neutral town by 2030.
Over 85 people registered to the event to find out more about the offer and how to sign up. A presentation was given by Andy Tunstall from the Green Group, and IDDEA’s Director Ian Dunstone joined the session to answer questions about the technology and installation process. Frome Town Councillor Steve Tanner was also included in the presentation, relaying his own successful experience with the scheme. Since the project launched there have been several improvements including moving to more efficient solar panels and the addition of energy storage options including a battery or hot water device, to help people optimise the use of their solar energy.
Nikki Brain, Frome Town Council’s Resilience Officer said: “We were delighted with how many Frome residents attended the event, it was great for them to hear first-hand about the scheme and the successes that the programme has achieved previously. We hope many more sign up this time and if you were unable to make the event, don’t worry, the recording is on our website will all the details of how you can still get involved.”
Frome residents who have already had solar panels installed through the scheme were also invited to give their feedback through a survey. Of those who responded, 87% were satisfied or very satisfied with their purchase and 83% of respondents said they would recommend the scheme to a friend. One respondent commented: “I am generating solar electricity, storing excess in my battery, and helping to balance the grid via my supplier. Lots of benefits and reduced carbon footprint.”
Visit the Frome Solar Streets scheme website to learn more.