Somerset County Council’s contractor has today (1 April 2016) installed new double yellow lines in Vicarage Street, Saxonvale, Cork Street and Welshmill Lane. It’s understood that other streets including South Parade will follow in the next 2 – 4 weeks.
In addition, the current 8am – 6pm prohibition of parking Monday to Saturday in Cork Street and Vicarage Street will be extended to Sundays. That work will also be completed over the next 2 – 4 weeks. We will do our best to keep everyone informed of the timing of this work and the streets affected. The County’s Parking Enforcement Team will have a presence in the town on Sunday 3 April when The Frome Independent Market takes place. The advice is to please use the Park and Ride locations at Frome Medical Practice or Selwood Academy or better still walk or cycle into town if you can.
Somerset County Council has put in the new parking restrictions following public consultation and advertisement of the proposals last year.
Please see the information below for affected areas
You can find out the extent of the restrictions in each street here: